Tri Training Week 4: BUILD and moan

The gorgeeeeous sky on my way to my massage this week. The build weeks are most definitely the hardest for me. This is where I break through and push past where my body really wants to be. Going longer for the first time in training. Some Tri Tips that came to me during my bike ride today: 1) When on your bike. Once you are warmed up. Try riding a gear above what you think is comfortable. I find I am AMAZED at how much faster I go and how much easier it is. And then I don't feel bad about dropping a gear when going up a hill. 2) DON'T FORGET THE SUNSCREEN. It is A LOT of training in the sunny summer sun. SUNSCREEN. SUNSCREEN. SUNSCREEN. 3) Even if you think you can't do what the training says. Get out there and do SOMETHING . Monday: Got my bike ride in. Note last blog entry. Great thing about summer training is the sun doesn't go down till after 9pm at points! Woooooo. Get that training in. Tuesday: I rested and did the pool day on Wednesday. Wednesd...