Week 12: I DID IT!

Sprint Tris are not something I excel at. I come in around the 75% or maybe even lower. I mean in High School I definitely would have dropped out of the club that had me beating only like 25% of people. Cause I mean that is a failure right? That is one way to look at it. Another way to look at it. Is that two times now I have trained for something a lot of bodies can't do or choose not to do. Then I finish that. I don't finish last even. I don't even finish in the last 100. To be exact I beat 144 women across the finish line. :P That really isn't the point. But whatever way you view it, I see as a win. Here are my 2017 results and then my 2015 results---SO CLOSE TO EACHOTHER! Check out how much faster my transition times were! No I will never be the fastest in my age group. And truthfully I don't want to train hard enough to not be that person. But for two years, I have trained and bettered myself. I said I wanted to go faster. But I went 13 seconds slo...