Week 9: Rolling Right Along
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Lake Nokomis after my Sunday Training |
Monday: I did 45 minutes on the stationary bike. I did "rolling hills" which was pretty strenuous. It was tougher than I thought but after the weekend of not doing much I wanted to do more. So there was more and it was good and my butt hurt afterwards.
Tuesday: Awesome pool day. Just rolling along there.
Thursday: I FINALLY did a run walk workout on the treadmill. It was so so so so humid and hot but before work I got to the gym. I walked and ran for 20 minutes and 8 minutes or more was running which is a quick start for walk and run training. I hope to get to it again this Thursday.
As per usual Friday was a 10 hour work day and then Saturday instead of working out I cleaned up my apartment. My dear friend offered me her cleaning lady for a session and I needed to at least clean off surfaces so she could maybe clean things. I spent half the day cleaning up and it was exhausting but now today after she came by and cleaned my kitchen and bathroom. I still feel emotionally tired.
I am sort of emotionally cleaning things out. And it doesn't feel very good. But it is part of creating space for what is next in my life.
Sunday: I went to Lake Nokomis and swam across the lake and back. It was lovely cause it wasn't sunny out. :) It was cloudy but not cold out. It is always a little scary to swim across the lake. There were more people today and I really dislike having to worry about people sort of swimming into me. It didn't happen but some people are so much faster than me and then so much slower than me.
So I am not doing a ton of brick workouts but I walk a mile to and from the lake. And I in general I am working out more than I did two years ago. I feel good. And I just need to get more running and brick workouts in.
I have been eating pretty well. Lots of vegan and veggie meals. I have eaten less junk food. But have drank a bit more. Which is hard to fit in when you are training! It has been hot and humid and the limeade and lemonade have been drank but always cut with water.
I feel I jinxed the weight loss streak as I have stayed at 190 this week. I will check again on Tuesday. :)
If you have read this far I will shamelessly plug my fundraising for my trip to Japan. I will be learning a warping technique for the Saori loom and being inspired by the temples, nature, architecture and art of Japan. If you have $10 or $25 you could donate I would love it.
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