Week 10: Migraines and Bike Rides
Well here we are. TWO WEEKS OUT! Can you believe it!?!?!? I wouldn't win any medals for doing all the workouts. But...and memory can be fickle. I am pretty sure I feel calmer and more prepared than last time. This week was, in essence, terrible. I had a migraine for the whole first of the week. I think it is PMS related...And that is a fun topic! Being a woman training when you can have SUPER intense PMS. Sometimes for me the emotional effects of my period start A WHOLE WEEK BEFORE my period. I am VERY glad I will not have my period DURING the race cause that is a whole other awful mess. Can you imagine doing three physical activities when you are super TIRED and menstruating? Ugh. What a mess that would be. So far I have dodged that bullet with Tris. But I have run 5ks with my period. NOT FUN. the other thing is...my body is TIRED at this point. I am working it harder than I have since the last Tri. I did the indoor Tri and survived. So I feel good. But this week I had to say ...